Dr. Darrin Muggli

Position: Professor
Department: School of Engineering
Office: Westerman Hall 102
Phone: 913.360.7961
Dr. Muggli is a Professor and the Chair of the School of Engineering at Benedictine College. He graduated with a B.S. in chemical engineering from the University of North Dakota in 1992. Subsequently, he worked for two years as a Process Engineer for Koch Engineering Co. in Wichita, KS. He entered graduate school at the University of Colorado at Boulder where he earned his doctorate in 1998, specializing in catalysis.
Dr. Muggli was a faculty member at the University of North Dakota from 1999 – 2009. During that time he was awarded over four million dollars in research funding, published 30 peer-reviewed articles, and has given numerous research presentations. He holds three patents, received a university-wide award for excellence in undergraduate teaching, was voted 2007 Professor of the Year in the School of Engineering, and received a 2009 award for excellence in teaching, research, and service.
- BS in Chemical Engineering, University of North Dakota, 1992
- Ph.D in Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado, 1998
Seames, W.S. and Muggli, D.S., “Method for Producing Cyclic Organic Compounds from Crop Oils”, U.S. Patent # 8450541 (2013).
Li, A., Y. Jin, Muggli, D.S., Pierce, D.T., Aranwela, H., Marasinghe, G.K., Knutson, T., Brockman, G., and Zhao, J.X. “Nanoscale effects of silica particle supports on the formation and properties of TiO2 nanocatalysts.” Nanoscale. In press (2013).
Fegade, S.L., Tande, B.M., Cho, H., Seames, W.S., Dakodynskaya, I., Muggli, D.S., and Kozliak, E.I. “Aromatization of propylene over HZSM-5: A design of experiments (DOE) approach”, Chem. Engr. Comm., 200(8), pp.1039-1056 (2013).
Grasser, J.A., Stover, B.K., Muggli, D.S. “Synthesis factors that impact tio2 nanotube activity during gas-phase photocatalytic oxidation of methanol” Chem. Eng. Comm., 200(3), pp. 337-350 (2013).
Gandhi, S., Kadrmas, J., Št’ávová, J., Kubátová, A., Muggli, D., Seames, W.S., Sadrameli, S.M., Tande, B.M.”Extraction of Fatty Acids from Noncatalytically Cracked Triacylglycerides with Water and Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide” Sep Sci & Tech, 47 (1), pp. 66-72 (2012)
Muggli DS, Tande B, “Distance Education allows Small Liberal Arts Colleges to Offer ABET-Accredited Degrees in Chemical, Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering”, ASEE Midwest 2012 Conference, Rolla, MO(2012).
Fegade, SL; Bithi, S; Tande, B; Seames, W; Muggli, D; Kubatova, A, et al.
Production of bio-based aromatic compounds from crop oil, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 241: – 6-PETR MAR 27 2011
Fegade, SL; Cho, H; Tande, B; Seames, W; Muggli, D; Kozliak, E, et al.
Determination of significant factors influencing the aromatization of propylene via statistical path, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 241: – 179-Fuel MAR 27 2011
Muggli DS, Tande B, “A model for initiating ABET-accredited engineering degree programs using distance education”, 118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition (2011).
Beranek, J., Muggli, D.S., and Kubatova, A., Detection limits of electron and negative chemical ionization-mass spectrometry for aldehydes derivatized with o-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl)-hydroxylamine hydrochloride, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 21, 592–602 (2010).
Kozliak, EI; Muggli, DS
Advanced Oxidation Technologies in Decontamination of Solid Matrices Foreword
44 (11): 1051-1051 2009
Grasser, J.A. and Muggli, D.S., “A High-Throughput Reaction System for Photocatalytic Oxidation”, Rev. Sci. Instr., 80, 075106 (2009).
Muggli, D.S. and Nelson, R.J., “Photocatalytic Fluidized Bed Air Purifier”, Patent pending (preliminary patent filed in 2006; full patent application filed in 2008).
Hrdlicka, J.A., Seames, W.S., Mann, M.D., Muggli, D.S., and Horabik, C.A., “Mercury oxidation in flue gas using gold and palladium catalysts on fabric filters”, Engineering Science and Technology, 42, 6677 (2008).
Flakker, C.J. and Muggli, D.S., “Factors Affecting Methanol Photocatalytic Oxidation and Catalyst Attrition in a Fluidized Bed Reactor”, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 84, 706 (2008).
Loveless, B.T., Gyanani, A., and Muggli, D.S., “Discrepancy between TPD- and FTIR-based measurements of Brønsted and Lewis acidity for sulfated zirconia”, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 84, 591 (2008).
Ahlers, J.A., Grasser, J.A.,Loveless, B.T., and Muggli, D.S., “Room-Temperature Oxidation of Reduced Cu/ZnO by Lattice Oxygen Diffusion”, Catal. Lett.,114,185 (2007).
Nelson, R.J., Flakker, C.J., and Muggli, D.S., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Methanol in a Fluidized Bed Reactor”, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 69, 189 (2007).
Kulkarni, A. and Muggli, D.S., “Role of Water in Conversion of Lewis Acid to Bronsted Acid Sites”, Appl. Catal.A: General, 302, 274, (2006).
Muggli, D.S. and Nelson, R.J., “Novel Indoor Air Purifier”, preliminary patent application filed, (2006).
Seames, W.S., Muggli, D.S., and Mann, M.D., “Mercury Oxidation of Flue Gas Using Catalytic Barrier Filters”, US Patent Number 53455-1018P01, filing date December, 2005.
Backes, M.J., Lukaski, A.C., and Muggli, D.S., “Active Sites and Effects of H2O and Temperature on the Photocatalytic Oxidation of 13C-Acetic Acid on TiO2”, Appl. Catal. B.Environ., 61, 21 (2005).
Lukaski, A.C. and Muggli, D.S., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Methyl Formate on TiO2: a Transient DRIFTS Study”, J. Catal., 223, 250 (2004).
Lukaski, A.C. and Muggli, D.S., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Dichloroacetic Acid and Dichloroacetyl Chloride on TiO2: Active Sites, Effect of H2O, and Reaction Pathways”, Catal. Lett., 89, 129 (2003).
Muggli, D.S. and Backes, M.J., “Two Active Sites for Photocatalytic Oxidation of Formic Acid on TiO2: Effects of H2O and Temperature”, J. Catal., 209, 105 (2002).
Muggli, D.S., Ding, L., and Odland, M.J., “Improved Photocatalyst for Oxidation of Acetaldehyde above Room Temperature”, Catal. Lett., 78, 23 (2002).
Ding, L. and Muggli, D.S., “A comparative study of photocatalytic oxidation of VOCs on sulfated TiO2 and Degussa P-25”, 4th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis Book of Extended Abstracts, in press (2001).
Muggli, D.S., Odland, M.J., and Schmidt, L.R., “Effect of TCE on the Photocatalytic Oxidation of Methanol on TiO2”, J. Catal., 203, 51 (2001).
Muggli, D.S. and Ding, L., “Photocatalytic Performance of Sulfated TiO2 and Degussa P-25 TiO2 during Oxidation of Organics”, Appl. Catal. B, 32, 181 (2001).
Muggli, D.S. and Falconer, J.L., “Role of Lattice Oxygen in Photocatalytic Oxidation on TiO2”, J. Catal., 191, 318 (2000).
Muggli, D.S. and Falconer, J.L., “Parallel Pathways for Acetic Acid Photocatalytic Decomposition on TiO2”, J. Catal., 187, 230 (1999).
Muggli, D.S. and Falconer, J.L, “UV-Enhanced Exchange of O2 with H2O Adsorbed on TiO2”, J. Catal., 181, 155 (1999).
Muggli, D.S., Keyser, S.A., and Falconer, J.L., “Photocatalytic Decomposition of Acetic Acid on TiO2”, Catal. Lett., 55, 129 (1998).
Muggli, D.S., Lowery, K.H., and Falconer, J.L, Identification of Adsorbed Species during Steady-State Photocatalytic Oxidation of Ethanol on TiO2″, J. Catal., 180, 111 (1998).
Muggli, D.S. and Falconer, J.L, “Catalyst Design to Change Selectivity of Photocatalytic Oxidation”, J. Catal., 175, 213 (1998).
Muggli, D.S., McCue, J.T., and Falconer, J.L., “Mechanism of the Photocatalytic Oxidation of Ethanol on TiO2”, J. Catal., 173, 470 (1998).
Muggli, D.S. and Falconer, J.L., “Catalyst Modification for Increased Selectivity during Photocatalytic Oxidation”, patent disclosure submitted to U. of Co., (1997).
Muggli, D.S., Larson, S.A., and Falconer, J.L., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Ethanol: Isotopic Labeling and Transient Reaction”, J. Phys. Chem., 100, 15886 (1996).
Tokerud, P.J. and Muggli, D.S., “Liquid Collector-Distributor with Integral Exchange Column and Method”, U.S. Patent #5464573 (1995).
Grasser, J.A. and Darrin S. Muggli. Design, Construction, and Optimization of a High-Throughput System to Measure the Activity of TiO2 Nanotubes during Gas Phase Photocatalytic Oxidation of Organics. UND Scholary Forum. March 11, 2009.
Khambete, M.A., and Muggli, D.S., Deoxygenation and Alkylation of Cracked Crop Oils for the Production of Bio-jet Fuels. UND Scholarly Forum. March 11, 2009.
Bucaram, C.J. and Muggli, D.S. Photocatalytic Oxidation of Gas-Phase Organophosphorous Compounds Through Highly Active Pt/TiO2 Catalysts. UND Scholarly Forum. March 11, 2009.
Jordan A. Grasser, Benjamin Stover, and Darrin S. Muggli “Effect of Preparation Conditions on the Photocatalytic Oxidation Activity of TiO2 Nanotubes”, Intl. Congress on Catalysis, Seoul, Korea (2008).
Grasser, J.A. and Muggli, D.S. “Optimization of TiO2 Nanotubes Utilizing Statistical Analysis and High-Throughput Experimentation” Hutchinson Technology Inc., Hutchinson MN. March 27, 2008.
Stover, B., Grasser, J.A., and Muggli, D.S., “Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes from a P-25 Precursor”, AIChE Midwest Regional Symposium, 4/4/08, Minneapolis, MN.
Gandhi, S.J., Muggli, D.S., Seames, W.S.,and Mann, M.D., “Catalytic Cracking of Crop Oil”, University of North Dakota Scholarly Forum (2008).
Bithi, S.S., Muggli, D.S., Seames, W.S. and Mann, M.D., “Lead-Free Process for AvGas Octane Enhancers from Crop Oils”, University of North Dakota Scholarly Forum (2008)
Swastika, S.S., Seames, W.S., and Muggli, D.S., “Aromatics generation from soybean oil via catalytic cracking” University of North Dakota Scholarly Forum (2008).
Gandhi, S.J., Muggli, D.S., Seames, W.S.,and Mann, M.D., “Process Options to Produce Biojet Fuel from Crop Oils”, University of North Dakota Scholarly Forum (2008).
Grasser, J.A. and Muggli, D.S., Optimization of TiO2 Nanotubes Utilizing Statistical Analysis and High-Throughput Experimentation, University of North Dakota Scholarly Forum (2008).
Khambete, M.A., Muggli, D.S., Seames, W.S., Mann, M.D., “Alkylation of Catalytically Cracked Crop Oils”, University of North Dakota Scholarly Forum (2008).
Loveless, B. T, “The Effect of Water on the Acidity of Sulfated Zirconia”, University of North Dakota Research Experience for Undergraduates Talk, Grand Forks, ND (2007).
Muggli, D.S., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Organic Pollutants”, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, St. Paul, Mn. (2007). – Invited lecture.
Grasser, J.A. and Muggli, D.S., “Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes from a P25 Precursor”, AIChE Midwest Regional Symposium, 4/2/07, Minneapolis, MN.
Hrdlicka, J., Seames, W.S., Mann, M., and Muggli, D.S., “Parametric Testing of Catalysts for Mercury Oxidation on Catalytic Barrier Filters” UND Graduate Forum. 2007. University of North Dakota (2007).
Gyanani , A. and Muggli, D.S., “Effect of Water on the Acidity of Sulfated Zirconia Catalyst”, UND Graduate Forum. 2007. University of North Dakota (2007).
Grasser, J.A. and Muggli, D.S., “Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes from a P25 Precursor”, UND Graduate Forum. 2007. University of North Dakota (2007).
Loveless, B.T., Gyanani A., and Muggli, D.S., “The Effect of Water on the Acidity of Sulfated Zirconia”, University of North Dakota Research Experience for Undergraduates Poster Session, Grand Forks, ND (2007).
Grasser, J.A. and Muggli, D.S., “Photo Catalytic Oxidation of VOCs” UND Graduate Forum. 2007. University of North Dakota (2007).
Grasser, J.A. and Muggli, D.S., “Photo Catalytic Oxidation of VOCs” American institute of Chemical Engineers Regional Symposium. April 3, 2007. Minneapolis, MN.
Grasser, J.A. and Muggli, D.S. “Photo Catalytic Oxidation of Methanol” REU Poster presentation. August, 2006. University of North Dakota (2007).
Hrdlicka, J., Wang, C., Horabik, C., Seames, W., Mann, M., and Muggli D.S., “Parameetric Testing of Catalysts for Mercury Oxidation on Catalytic Barrier Filters”, University of North Dakota Scholarly Forum (2007).
Seames, W.S., Mann, M., Muggli, D.S., Horabik, C., and Hrdlicka, J., “Parameters Affecting the Oxidation of Mercury via Catalytic Barrier Filters”, Pittsburgh Coal Conference, South Africa (2007).
Jason Hrdlicka, Wayne Seames, Michael Mann, Darrin Muggli, Carol Horabik, “Bench-Scale Testing of Mercury Oxidation Catalysts on Fabric Barrier Filters”, Twenty-fourth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa Sept. 10-14, 2007
Hrdlicka, J., Horabik, C., Seames, W.S., Mann., M., and Muggli, D.S., Oxidation of Mercury via Catalytic Barrier Filters – Phase II, DOE UCR Conference, Pittsburgh, 2007.
Muggli, D.S., “Photocatalytic Oxidation: Reactions and Reactors”, Physics Department Colloquium, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND (2006).
Loveless, B., Ahlers, J., and Muggli, D.S., “Characterization and Investigation of Cu/ZnO Catalyst”, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Upper Midwest Annual Symposium, Minneapolis, MN (2006).
Riedinger, S. and Muggli, D.S., “Effect of Acidity on Photocatalytic Oxidation”, University of North Dakota Scholarly Forum (2006).
Hrdlicka, J., Wang, C., Horabik, C., Seames, W., Mann, M., and Muggli D.S., “Performance Testing of Mercury Oxidation on Catalytic Barrier Filters”, University of North Dakota Scholarly Forum (2006).
Flakker, C.L. and Muggli, D.S., “Development of a Fluidized-Bed Photocatalytic Air Purifier”, University of North Dakota Scholarly Forum (2006).
Kulkarni, A. and Muggli, D.S., “Does water convert Lewis acid sites to Bronsted sites?”, 15th North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, Philadelphia, PA (2005).
Ahlers, J., Loveless, B., and Muggli, D.S., “Characterization and Investigation of Cu/ZnO Catalyst”, University of North Dakota Research Experience for Undergraduates Poster Session, Grand Forks, ND (2005).
Kulkarni, A. and Muggli, D.S., “Role of Water in Conversion of Lewis Acid to Bronsted Acid Sites” University of North Dakota Annual Graduate School Conference, (2005).
Ahlers, J.A. and Muggli, D.S., “A Novel Transient Reaction Method for Catalytic Reactions”, University of North Dakota Annual Graduate School Conference, (2005).
Miksche, S.J., and Muggli, D.S., “Investigation of Optimum Photodeposition Parameters for the Production of Ag-TiO2-Al2O3 for Photocatalytic Oxidation Applications”, University of North Dakota Annual Graduate School Conference, (2005).
Seames, W.S., Mann, M.D., Muggli, D.S.; Horabik, C; Want, W; Hrdlicak, J.; “Oxidation of Mercury via Catalytic Barrier Filters – Phase II”, University Coal Research Contractors Review Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, June 7-8, 2005.
Flakker, C.L. and Muggli, D.S., “Design and Fabrication of a Fluidized Bed Photoreactor”, 12th Annual Science, Engineering and Mathematics Poster Session, Fargo, ND (2004).
Muggli, D.S., “Improving Indoor Air Quality with Photocatalytic Oxidation”, Forest Products Laboratory Seminar, Madison, WI (2004).
Muggli, D.S., “Transient Reaction Techniques in Catalysis”, Chemistry Department Seminar, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND (2004).
Liu, Weipeng, Seames, W.S., Mann, Μ.M., and Muggli, D.S., “Oxidation of Mercury via Catalytic Barrier Filters”, 2003 AIChE National Meeting, AIChE, San Francisco (2003)
Ahlers, J. and Muggli, D.S., “Design and Construction of a Novel Reactor to for Transient Reactions in Catalysis”, University of North Dakota Research Experience for Undergraduates Poster Session, Grand Forks, ND (2003).
Liu, Weipeng, Mann, Michael, Seames, Wayne, and Muggli, Darrin, “Mercury Removal using Catalytic Barrier Filters”, EPSCoR Regional Conference, Fargo, ND (2003).
Backes, M.J., and Muggli, D.S., “Active Sites during Photocatalytic Oxidation of Acetic Acid on TiO2”, University of North Dakota Annual Graduate School Conference, (2003).
Backes, M.J., and Muggli, D.S., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Acetic Acid on TiO2”, ND EPSCoR State Conference, Grand Forks, ND (2002).
Lukaski, A.C. and Muggli, D.S., “Investigation of Trichloroethylene (TCE) Reaction Pathway during Photocatalytic Oxidation” North Dakota Science, Engineering, and Mathematics 10th Annual Poster Session, Grand Forks, ND (2002).
Backes, M.J., and Muggli, D.S., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Formic Acid on TiO2 Catalyst”, The World and the Academy – University of North Dakota Graduate School, Grand Forks, ND (2002).
Lukaski, A.C., and Muggli, D.S., “Investigation of Rate Promoters in Gas-Phase Photocatalysis”, The World and the Academy – University of North Dakota Graduate School, Grand Forks, ND (2002).
Campbell, C., Buchholz, J., Falconer, J.L., and Muggli, D.S., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Trichloroethylene over Titanium Dioxide Catalyst”, Paper No. 215-9b, Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meeting, Reno, NV (2001).
Goebel, B.J., and Muggli, D.S., “Experimental Design of a Steady-State Photocatalytic Oxidation Apparatus as a precursor to Bio-Filtration,” North Dakota Science, Engineering, and Mathematics 9th Annual Poster Session, Fargo, ND (2001).
Backes, M.J., and Muggli, D.S., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Formic Acid on TiO2 Catalyst”, North Dakota Science, Engineering, and Mathematics 9th Annual Poster Session, Fargo, ND (2001).
Lukaski, A.C., and Muggli, D.S., “Investigation of Rate Promoters in Gas-Phase Photocatalysis”, North Dakota Science, Engineering, and Mathematics 9th Annual Poster Session, Fargo, ND (2001).
Ding, L. and Muggli, D.S., “A comparative study of photocatalytic oxidation of VOCs on sulfated TiO2 and Degussa P-25”, 4th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, Berlin, Germany, (2001).
Odland, M.J. and Muggli, D.S., “Mixture Effects during PCO of Methanol and Trichloroethylene”, North Dakota Science, Engineering, and Mathematics 8th Annual Poster Session, Fargo, ND (2000).
Muggli, D.S. and Falconer, J.L., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Ethanol: Isotopic Labeling and Transient Reaction”, 11th Annual Symposium of the Western States Catalysis Club, Denver, CO (1997).
Muggli, D.S., McCue, J.T., Benjamin, K., and Falconer, J.L., “Reaction Steps and Intermediates in Photocatalytic Oxidation of Ethanol”, 15th Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society, Chicago, IL (1997).
Muggli, D.S. and Falconer, J.L., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Ethanol and Reaction Intermediates”, The Second International Conference on TiO2 Photocatalytic Purification and Treatment of Water and Air, Cincinnati, OH (1996).
Muggli, D.S., Larson, S.A., and Falconer, J.L., “Photocatalytic Oxidation of Ethanol: Isotopic Labeling and Transient Reaction”, 11th International Congress on Catalysis, Baltimore, MD (1996).
North Dakota Spirit Faculty Achievement Award (2009)
“The North Dakota Spirit Faculty Achievement Award was established by the University of North Dakota Foundation to recognize significant contributions by faculty in teaching, research, and service”
UND Outstanding Masters Thesis, Christopher Flakker, MSChE, Advisor: Darrin Muggli (2008)
Outstanding Presentation, AIChE Midwest Regional Symposium, Minneapolis, MN. (2008)
UND Foundation/Lydia and Arthur Saiki Prize for Individual Excellence in Teaching (2007)
UND Office of Intellectual Property Commercialization & Economic Development Recognition of Innovative Research (2007)
UND Foundation Award for Departmental Excellence in Teaching, Chemical Engineering Department; Dr. Muggli one of five faculty in department (2007)
Outstanding Presentation, AIChE Midwest Regional Symposium, Minneapolis, MN. (2007)
UND School of Engineering and Mines Outstanding Professor of the Year (2007)
UND Foundation Award for Departmental Excellence in Research, Chemical Engineering Department; Dr. Muggli one of five faculty in department (2006)
UND Office of Intellectual Property Commercialization & Economic Development Recognition of Innovative Research (2006)
Outstanding Presentation, AIChE Midwest Regional Symposium, Minneapolis, MN. (2006)
UND Office of Intellectual Property Commercialization & Economic Development Recognition of Innovative Research (2005)
UND Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, Nominee (2003)
UND Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, Finalist (2002)
University of Colorado Graduate Student Research & Creative Work Award (Runner-up: one of top 3 researchers at CU; 1998)
Most Outstanding Chemical Engineering Graduate Student (1998)
Outstanding Student Presentation, 11th Annual Symposium of the Western States Catalysis Club (1997)